Season 4 | Episode 1
Educating Individuals for a Better Future by Dr. Jose Faria
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We all know the importance of education; aside from supporting the growth of civil society, political stability, and democracy, it significantly contributes to reducing poverty. Education indeed increases the rate of return on the economy.

Like our guest, Dr. Jose Faria, in Episode 02 of Season 04 of Thriving in Construction, The Podcast. As the Moss Endowed Chair of the Department of Construction Management at Florida International University, he finds academia very fulfilling. His impact on his students in the Construction Management Department is immeasurable. Seeing their interests, passions, and persistence in moving forward is absolutely satisfying and wonderful.

Contrary to some belief, Dr. Faria explains that the construction industry has so much work and not enough people to do them. There is so much money out there, and the industry is a thriving sector. He’s on a mission to bring students to their dream jobs more quickly while also assisting residents of our South Florida community in making a living, particularly those who are homeless or formerly incarcerated.

“I always tell them that construction is a great career to follow.” – Dr. Jose Faria

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
• The biggest challenge the construction industry faces right now and moving into the future.
• What has been the most significant shift within a generation from 16 years ago.
• The biggest obstacles today that need to be solved.
• Diversity in the school nowadays

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